Happy New Year!!
I know, I am a week late. It’s already 7 days into January and this is my first post. So much for resolutions!! Haha, well… kinda. I feel like it is the first official week after the holidays being over. Trying to get back into the swing of things after taking off a lot of my December and first week of January from social media. (except a few Instagram posts) The Holidays come and go SO quickly. So much time, energy and money goes into the season. It crazy to me not to try to slow it down in every way possible. I do my best to enjoy what we have invested into it. Whether it is parties, friends & family or that bottle of champagne. Take it ALL IN!! I really did my best to just relish in the free time my teenagers had, which was far and few in between. We also thoroughly enjoyed, the newly discovered love of Christmas lights our 2 year old developed. We saw A LOT of lights, regularly. Most of them were the same neighborhood. And it never got old. I LOVE myself some lights!
It always bums me out a little when the holidays are all over. Okay, being honest, it bums me out A LOT! I got the decorations put away and the house cleaned, which I LOVE a clean house! But now what!?! Life has to get back to normal. Right?!? Routines have to come back into play. Boo that! So again, I am a little off my resolution and goal setting. I took the last 7 days to do anything and everything that came my way to drag out the New Year, since I clearly wasn’t ready for the holidays to be over! But now, here I am, girls back in school and hubby has a full work week ahead of him. It’s just The Logi Bear, myself and a half drank bottle of champagne in the fridge. I now debate, since “drinking less champagne” was NOT one of my goals or resolutions! Thank goodness!! Now, at what time SHOULD I drink, said bottle of champagne?! I have decided, since it is no longer the holiday season, I should wait til I have accomplished “some” of my daily goals. The way today is going….. it might be just ONE goal. (This blog post!)
Do you make Resolutions? Set Goals? Reflect? My friend told me that her boyfriend doesn’t make New Years Resolutions?!? Perplexed, I asked her “why?” She said he feels he doesn’t need to set goals or put expectations on himself, just because it is a new year. Meaning, we should do this year around. Which, I don’t disagree with, but I find it important for ones personal growth and development. I personally think you should look back and recognize your growth and be proud of what you accomplished or didn’t for that matter. It’s all part of your entire person. We all take steps forward and backwards. It is the dance of life. Setting goals and reaching them is awesome! No doubt! We should always be in a place of betterment. But our failures can really shape our person too. One shouldn’t be ashamed to look back on choices and decisions we made, that may not have been the best. Or how we handle ourselves when life just gets tough. Just aim to grow! I set daily, weekly, monthly goals regularly. Plenty go unaccomplished. But, such is life. I do however, find it more beneficial, when I write them down. I am more successful when I do that. And the success rate is higher when I look at them, regularly. Haha, I have had plenty of years where I wrote them down and didn’t look back on them until the following year. Or ever! And with that, I am pretty sure I didn’t accomplish any of them. Out of site, out of mind. I like to look back and see where I was a year ago, remember the person I was and who I am now. Good and bad. It all makes up my person.
Last year was a year of me finding myself. I needed to carve out time to get some clarity. I realized I probably did suffer from postpartum depression. (I didn’t go see a doctor and I don’t recommend that!) I was in desperate need of redefining the type of mom I was and what kind of mom I am going to be now. Which was super hard. Still is and still a work in progress. I just needed time to get the fog out of my brain. Luckily, I have a wonderful and supportive husband that let me do whatever I felt I needed to do. I wouldn’t be the woman I am today or the mom I strive to be, if it wasn’t him by my side. I am grateful, thankful and blessed. And I remind myself of that, daily!
Now I transition from, finding clarity and coming out of some pretty dark days of feeling lost. Into a year of really digging deep into myself and blossoming. I turned 40 in July. I have a 18, 14 and 2 year old. A husband that adores me and a deep rooted family/friend support system. Life is good! A little crazy, but really good! And with that, I want more! I want more growth. I want more knowledge. I want more enlightenment. I want to love deeper. I want so much more for this life and the life of my family. And as I see it, lead by example. I set some pretty high (not unrealistic) expectations and standards of my kids, and who I think and feel they should be. Why would I not give myself the same standards and expectations? Whelp, no worries, I DO!
So with that, I want to wish you a VERY Happy New Year! Cheers to you and yours! May 2019 be good to you and may you be good to 2019! I’d love to hear if you make goals and write down resolutions. How and where do you write them down? I am always looking for ways to keep myself accountable. Do you do a vision board, notepad, calendar or maybe bullet journal? Which has become my new favorite thing! Cant wait to share it with you!
Cheers! YAY!! I get to go pour myself a glass of champagne!! ~Jeanne
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